Brussel sprouts are a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal, but sometimes you might just wonder how to tell if brussel sprouts are bad?

Whether you just got them from the store or they’ve been sitting in your fridge for a while, it’s important to know the signs of good and bad brussel sprouts!
I have eaten my fair share of brussel sprouts and have come across enough bad batches from the store to know what to stay away from. I hope this article will teach you everything you need to know about brussel sprouts!
What are brussel sprouts?
Brussel sprouts are a form of cabbage that is known for its edible buds/sprouts. They are in the cruciferous family and got their name for being cultivated in Brussels Germany.
How to tell if brussel sprouts are bad?
Bad brussel sprouts can have a bad smell, similar to old cabbage. They might be a lighter green color, have brown edges, are moldy, or even slimy.
If the stem of the brussel sprout is black or brown, or there are black spots on the leaves, it is starting to go bad or has gone bad. Sometimes you can remove a bad outer leaf, similar to cabbage, and still eat the inside, if there are no other signs of decay.
What does a good brussel sprout look like?
Fresh brussel sprouts are firm with tight leaves. They smell earthy and not like cabbage.
How to tell if cooked brussel sprouts are bad?
There will usually be a sour odor and the brussel sprouts might be extra liquidly, mushy, and there could be mold. Cooked brussel sprouts should typically be eaten within 2-3 days once cooked.
Overcooked brussel sprouts will release a sulfurous smell, especially when boiled. This is where a lot of the hate for these tasty sprouts come from!
If you want to try my favorite ways to eat brussel sprouts check out my roasted sprouts, and this maple bacon brussel sprout dish! We eat these all the time here!
How to tell if raw brussel sprouts are bad?
Raw sprouts are bad if there is mold present, all their leaves are loose, the leaves are turning yellow/brown, or if the sprout is soft and squishy.
Pro Tip
If you can reveal a green, firm, brussel sprout center you can typically still eat the sprout. Just remove any leaves that are loose or show signs of decay, cut off the stems to reveal a fresh firm stem.
Cut the sprout in half and see what the center looks like. Use your best judgement on whether to eat or not.
If you are really unsure, it is always better to be safe rather than sorry, and you should toss or return your produce.
Bugs in raw brussel sprouts?
Sometimes when you are removing the outer loose leaves, or even when you cut the sprout in half, you will see evidence of where a worm ate its way through the sprout.
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If there are only a few sprouts that show this I will just cut those pieces off (or toss the entire sprout) and cook the rest. If the entire bag/bunch of sprouts has evidence of being eaten by worms I will often return the produce to the store and not eat it.
Can you freeze brussel sprouts?
Yes! They need to be blanched first but will freeze anywhere from 12-16 months.
The method for blanching and freezing brussel sprouts is the same as broccoli, so check out how to do that here!
How long do brussel sprouts last?
Raw on the counter, they will last 3-4 days, raw in the refrigerator, they will last 1-2 weeks. Cooked brussel sprouts will keep 2-3 days in the refrigerator.
What are brussel sprouts good for?
Brussel sprouts are high in fiber, potassium, Vitamins A, C, and K. They even have 3 grams of protein for every cup!
What do brussel sprouts taste like?
Brussel sprouts have a milder cabbage flavor and are much denser. The smaller the sprout the sweeter the flavor, whereas the larger sprouts will taste a bit more like cabbage.
Tips for long lasting brussel sprouts:
- Don’t wash brussel sprouts before you are ready to cook the,
- Remove any loose leaves
Should you refrigerate brussel sprouts?
Yes. Uncooked/raw brussel sprouts will las 1-2 weeks when refrigerated.
If you like this post make sure to check out how to tell if potatoes, sweet potatoes, buttermilk, smoked salmon, and broccoli are bad!
How to tell if brussel sprouts are bad?
- 1 lb Brussel Sprouts
- Bad brussel sprouts can have a bad smell, similar to old cabbage. They might be a lighter green/yellow color, have brown edges, are moldy, or even slimy.1 lb Brussel Sprouts
- If the stem of the brussel sprout is black or brown, or there are black spots on the leaves, it is going bad. Sometime you can remove a bad outer leaf, similar to cabbage, and still eat the inside, if there are no signs of decay.
- Raw sprouts are bad if there is mold present, all their leaves are loose, the leaves are turning yellow/brown, or if sprout is soft and squishy.
- Sometimes when you are removing the outer loose leaves, or even when you cut the sprout in half, you will see evidence of where a worm ate its way through the sprout. If there are only a few sprouts that show this I will just cut those pieces off (or toss the entire sprout) and cook the rest. If the entire bag/bunch of sprouts has evidence of being eaten by worms I will often return the produce and not eat it.
- Raw on the counter they will last 3-4 days, raw in the refrigerator they will last 1-2 weeks.
- Cooked brussel sprouts will keep 2-3 days I the refrigerator.
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